Registration Information » Registration Information

Registration Information

Important Information-Please read before beginning the registration process!
To register your child for the 2024-2025 school year, please contact the school your child will be attending and they can help you.
Preschool/Head Start/Early Head Start Registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open. Please see the button on the right of this page for more information.
Online registration dates for grades K-12 for the 2025-2026 school year will be announced soon.  Please check back often for more information

NEW this year: There are TWO parts to registration.  The first you will find under the “Online Registration” option in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal.  This will be the one that asks household information, collects emergency contact information, etc.  You will click “Submit” at the end of that section and then go back to the “More” option in the list on the Infinite Campus screen. The second part you will find under “Meal Benefits”. This is income information we have to collect to ensure we keep school meals affordable for all families! You are not fully enrolled until you have completed both sections.

It is a good idea to have information like addresses, phone numbers and birthdays of family members and emergency contacts handy when you start the process.  It will save you a lot of time. We ask for birthdays so that if we have two people with the same name we can more easily identify them.  We also use birthdays and other general information to confirm identity before allowing someone to pick students up from school with parent permission.

You can complete the registration on a phone, but it may be difficult, as the screen size will make it hard to see everything at once. We recommend a computer or tablet.

We recommend using Google Chrome

Parents/Guardians or their designee are the only people that can register a student. The person signing the documents is responsible for certifying they understand that what they are signing is legally binding and they are authorized to acknowledge that. Sharing your parent portal password is the same as giving someone permission to register your child for you; the only way they can access that data is with your password, so please keep that confidential.

When logging into Infinite Campus (IC), parents/guardians should pick the "Campus Parent" option when it appears.  Do not click "Campus Student", it will not work.

Once logged in to "Campus Parent", to find online registration in the parent portal, click on the word "More" on the left hand side of the screen.  Once you click "More", “Online Registration” will be one of the choices in the list that appears.  Click on that to begin the process. 

If the screens won't continue for you, look for errors noted in RED or YELLOW text.  It is probably needing more information, or information in a different format. Red typically means you  missed something completely and if you hover over the red error, it will explain it to you.  Yellow typically means the system needs MORE information.  If you hover over the yellow, it will explain what else is needed.

Download the Infinite Campus Parent Portal App!
Documents Referenced During the Online Registration Process 
Preschool/Head Start/Early Head Start Registration Open for 2025-2026 Now! See the buttons below for general information and application access.
School Supplies
We will be providing all necessary school supplies for the 2024-2025 school year.  There is no need for students to bring any supplies with them.  Parents should supply backpacks if needed.  
School Calendars