Grading Standards/System » Grading Standards/System

Grading Standards/System

Grading Standards


The following traditional grading standards shall be adhered to:


Grades 4th-12th 

Letter Grade Numerical Scale Weights for GPA
A+ 98-100 4.0
A 94-97 4.0
A- 90-93 3.67
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 83-86 3.0
B- 80-82 2.67
C+ 77-79 2.33
C 73-76 2.0
C- 70-72 1.67
D+ 67-69 1.33
D 65-66 1.0
F 64-Below 0



Grading standards for Accelerated and AP classes will differ.  An incomplete grade must be changed to a passing or failing grade within the next nine-week grading period.  The student is responsible for making up any work.


Grading System


Achievement:  Teachers shall maintain detailed, systematic records of achievement of each student.


Grade Reports/Progress Reports:  Grade reports will go out every nine weeks for all students. These evaluations will provide a record of academic progress as well as conduct.  Reports of unsatisfactory progress will be sent to parents midway through the nine week grading period.  Parent/Teacher conferences can be held anytime upon request.