Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse and Violence Prevention » Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse and Violence Prevention

Drug Abuse, Alcohol Abuse and Violence Prevention

The Mayfield Independent Schools are committed to providing prevention activities that enhance students' self-esteem, leadership qualities and refusal skills.  Current research information has shown that educational programs alone cannot solve the problem. The prevention of drug and alcohol abuse can only be solved by a total school and community effort.  Data from a recent Kentucky survey reports that alcohol is the drug of choice.  Information concerning the Drug Education Program can be obtained by calling 270-247-3868.


Mayfield Independent Schools also partners with the Kentucky Center for Safe Schools to offer an on-line prevention method called S.T.O.P. (Safety Tipline: Online Prevention).  Any individual can use this anonymous tipline to report bullying, drug/alcohol abuse, violence or any other risky behavior.  The report is sent via e-mail to district personnel, who follow up with all reports in whatever fashion is deemed necessary.  Although the tipline is anonymous, those reporting must understand that the only way proper follow up can be done is if they give at least enough information for district personnel to get a good understanding of the situation.  It is not for emergencies and should never be used in the place of 911 if immediate danger needs to be addressed.